I recently acquired a purple cardigan. It was from the 'lost and found' box at my local dancing hall. Everything that had been left behind and not reclaimed in 2011 was left in boxes for people to sort through, find their own stuff, or claim stuff that they wanted. I don't normally wear purple of this hue, or cardigans buttoned up. But I am very much enjoying this one.
In other news, baby type person is growing astoundingly quickly. I am once again blond, having bowed to Swedish peer pressure. I have decided that I don't hate pumpkin anymore, so long as it's not great hunks of it. More to come.
I saw your comment on that obnoxious snob mommy post about breast feeding. She won't approve any of my comments any more so I just wanted to show you this. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/04/the-case-against-breast-feeding/7311/
The 'benefits' of breast feeding are so minimal - it drives me crazy watching women (and I know quite a lot) struggle with it and ruin those first six months of time with their child torturing themselves to do it. But the facts don't sit well with the breastfeeding evangelists.
Hope you don't mind.
Thank you. Really interesting article and makes me feel better about my partially breastfed baby. With one parent with a PhD and another incredibly geeky, I'm fairly confident her intelligence hasn't been 'damaged' ;-)
Thank You
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