Sunday, March 01, 2009

I fucking love running

Exercise makes everything better. It fixes all problems. Well, perhaps that is an overstatement. But it makes me happier. I was feeling rather, shall we say, unhappy about the thesis. I went for a 20 min jog/run around the area surrounding our flat. I feel so much better now. I've found out it's possible to run, even when it's really cold outside (about 3 degrees C). I didn't get lost and I saw a bit more of the area. It's rather lovely around here. There are lots of shops and cafes and the like. Fantastic! I think this will soon become a daily routine. Help me clear my head.

So, message reads, yay for running.


Anonymous said...

I concur. Also Sweden, exciting!! Welcome to the other hemisphere. I hope you've got spring there. A foot of snow forecast for Monday here.

Nic said...

Hi Kate
Welcome to Göteborg. Sounds like everything is going relatively well. Anyway I'm back from Melbourne now so if you would like to catch up and get some insider tips on this town, get in touch. I won't give out my mobile number on a blog but feel free to email me at